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Pizza, Quiche, Tart and Pie
France. Alsace.
Thin layer of dough covered with cream or cheese and bacon and onions.
Newburg sauce
Lobster butter with cream and egg yolks seasoned with onions and sherry or Madeira.
> view pairingsCold starters
Oriental style pita
Pita : round flatbread used to catch food or to make a sandwich.
Also refers to the turnover oven-baked and stuffed with food.
Thomasville tomme
United States. Georgia.
Semi-soft raw cow's milk cheese with natural rind.
Chèvreton de Mâcon
France. Burgundy. Saône-et-Loire. Mâconnais.
Raw unpasteurised goat's milk cheese.
Main meals
Sort of pancake made with thinly sliced potatoes cooked in goose fat and mixed with thin strips of tome fraiche until it sticks in a sort of thick pastry, sometimes decorated with fresh parsley.
> view pairingsShellfish and Seafood
Marinated scallops with citrus fruits
Marinade : soaking foods in a seasoned, often acidic, liquid before cooking.
> view pairingsFreshwater fish
Fish quenelles with lemon sauce
Lemon sauce: butter, olive oil, lemon juice and white wine with parsley.
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