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Queso de Mahón-Menorca joven
Spain. Balearic Islands. Minorca.
Semi-hard cheese from cow's milk white in color.
Ripening : 21 to 60 days.
Mushrooms, Vegetables, Pasta and Rice
Artichokes with melted butter
Melted butter : melted butter with reduced lemon juice and possibly pepper or chili.
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Quicke’s Vintage
United Kingdom. Devon.
Hard pasteurized cow's milk cheese with hard pressed paste and a natural rind wrapped in muslin cloth.
Ripening : 24 months.
Blanquette de veau
Blanquette : stew of white meat or fish cooked in stock and thickened with egg yolk and cream.
Dish served with pasta, potatoes or rice, often completed with mushrooms.
Sweet and sour pork spare ribs
Sweet and sour sauce : tomato sauce with shallots, olive oil and laurel.
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Skewers with beef, mushrooms, quail wings and eggs, pork with cheese, chicken, etc, served with salt or teriyaki sauce.
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Cow's pasteurized milk hard cheese with a washed rind.
Ripening : 10 to 15 months.
Apple and walnut crumble
Crumble : cake composed of a layer of fruit, vegetables, meat, etc, covered with a crumbly mixture of flour and butter and sugar baked until the topping is crisp.
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Saint-Jorge Patrão
United States. California.
Soft-ripened pasteurized cow's milk cheese with natural rind.
Ripening : 16 months.
France. Ile de France. Seine-et-Marne. Saint Siméon.
Triple cream raw cow's milk cheese, soft-ripened with white mould rind.
Cooked meats
Small chitterling sausage with Pont-Neuf potatoes
Sausage cooked with white wine and deglazed with cream.
Pont-Neuf potatoes : rectangular potatoes cut like big french fries and fried in oil twice.
Freshwater fish
Artic char in a beurre blanc sauce
Beurre blanc sauce : reduction of shallots with white wine and vinegar blended with a whipped butter.
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