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Meal families
Sheep and Goats
Roasted leg of lamb with garlic
Leg of lamb : piece of meat formed the saddle over the thigh.
One thigh is called Chump.
Chicken en barbouille
En barbouille : chicken cooked with the blood to thicken the sauce.
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Sea bass carpaccio with dill
Carpaccio : very thin slices with a dash of lemon and olive oil.
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Rembrandt extra aged Gouda
Hard pasteurized cow's milk wrapped in orange wax.
Ripening : 12 months.
Sea fish
Sole fillets bonne femme
Bonne femme sauce : butter, button mushrooms, cream, shallot, parsley and white wine.
> view pairingsShellfish and Seafood
Crayfish a la nage in a beurre blanc sauce
Nage : baking in a broth flavoured with butter, white wine, vegetables and herbs.
Beurre blanc sauce : reduction of shallots with white wine and vinegar blended with a whipped butter.
Beef Stroganov
Speciality with beef, mushrooms, onions, paprika and smetana (sour clotted cream).
Chocolate profiteroles
Small pastry puffs with custard or vanilla ice cream topped with chocolate.
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