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Meal families
Spain. Castile and León.
Soft-ripened pasteurized goat's milk cheese with a natural rind coated in oak ash.
Ripening : 4 weeks.
Sea fish
Skate with black butter sauce
Black butter: butter cooked until it turns a dark color, reaction with an acid (capers, lemon juice, white wine vinegar).
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Lamb chopper
United States. California.
Semi-soft pasteurized cow's milk cheese wrapped in wax.
Ripening : 3 to 6 months.
Sheep and Goats
Noisette of lamb with spices
Noisette : small round piece of lean meat.
> view pairingsVeal
Braised veal flank
Braise : to simmer and stew in a little flavored liquid, food that has been seared on all sides beforehand..
> view pairingsSea fish
Salmon carpaccio
Carpaccio : very thin slices with a dash of lemon and olive oil.
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Germany. Allgäu.
Semi-soft pasteurized cow's milk cheese.
Ripening : at least 2 months.
Game birds
Roasted young partridge with porcini
Young Partridge : under 8 months old.
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