Shellfish and Seafood
Squid in american sauce
Américaine Sauce : lobster coral mixed with chopped onions, cream, eggs, white wine, brandy, salt, cayenne pepper and softened butter.
> view pairingsShellfish and Seafood
Américaine Sauce : lobster coral mixed with chopped onions, cream, eggs, white wine, brandy, salt, cayenne pepper and softened butter.
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Dish originating in Germany.
Sandwich consisting of two bruns topped with minced meat (beef) with raw vegetables, salad, condiments (pickle, onion) and a sauce.
Ricotta: Italian or Maltese cheese made from the whey of other cheeses, sheep or cow.
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Rice noodles sautéed in a wok with grilled shrimp, bean sprouts, scrambled egg, crumbled tofu in a nam pla sauce (fish sauce).
Served with a sweet lime-based sauce.
Morel sauce: chicken broth, fresh cream, shallots, mushrooms and white wine.
> view pairingsSauces
Green sauce : Mayonnaise mixed with mashed chervil, cress, spinach and parsley.
> view pairingsCheeses
Italy. Campania.
Speciality made with buffalo's milk by the pasta filata method.
Goose foie gras. Served hot with garlic and parsley potato or with a salad.
> view pairingsPork
Ham sliced in cubes cooked in a broth with white Burgundy wine with mustard and wine vinegar, jelly with parsley coated and flavored (with onion, shallot, thyme, bay leaves, garlic...).
> view pairingsSheep and Goats
Fricassée : stew of shellfish, vegetables, fish, pork or chicken in cream sauce.
> view pairingsSea fish
Beurre blanc sauce : reduction of shallots with white wine and vinegar blended with a whipped butter.
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