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Meal families
Shellfish and Seafood
Langoustine carpaccio
Carpaccio : very thin slices with a dash of lemon and olive oil.
> view pairingsVeal
Roasted veal tenderloin
Tenderloin : piece of meat cut in small round pieces like tournedos from the loin.
> view pairingsDesserts
Speciality of the Balkans, Bulgaria, Greece, North Africa, the Middle East, Turkey…
Dessert made of many layers of filo pastry dough separated with melted butter, or oiled dough layered in which there's a mixture of dried fruit (hazelnuts, walnuts or pistachios), sometimes spices (cloves) finely ground and crushed, which is then dipped in a sweet liquid (lemon and sugar water, orange blossom, honey, rose ...).
Chicken supreme with morel sauce
Supreme : boneless chicken breast with the flesh from the wings.
Morel sauce: chicken broth, fresh cream, shallots, mushrooms and white wine.
Game birds
Roasted young partridge with cranberries
Young Partridge : under 8 months old.
> view pairingsVeal
Fricandeau of veal with sorrel sauce
Fricandeau : thinly sliced veal larded and braised.
Sorrel sauce: white wine sauce with sorrel, shallots, butter and court-bouillon.
Crozier blue
Ireland. County Tipperary.
Soft-ripened blue-veined pasteurized sheep’s milk cheese with a natural rind.
Ripening : 4 to 11 months.
Sainte-Menehould style pig foot
Boiled pork feet, cooked gently in water then breadcrumbed and fried.
This allows them to be eaten completely (bones included).
Mushrooms, Vegetables, Pasta and Rice
Sauerkraut : cabbage, finely chopped and fermented in brine.
> view pairingsCheeses
Brique du Forez
France. Rhône-Alpes. Loire. Forez.
Soft-ripened and bloomy rind cow's milk cheese.
United States. Vermont.
Semi-soft raw cow's milk cheese with a washed rind from a reddish color to a pale orange-brown color.
Ripening : 2-3 months.