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Meal families
Supreme of fattened chicken
Supreme : boneless chicken breast with the flesh from the wings.
> view pairingsCheeses
France. Burgundy.
Produced in Allier, Loire, Rhone and Saone-et-Loire.
Soft-ripened unpasteurized goat's milk cheese with a mouldy rind.
Sheep and Goats
Leg of lamb with flageolets beans
Leg of lamb : piece of meat formed the saddle over the thigh.
One thigh is called Chump.
Shellfish and Seafood
Shrimp with Nantua sauce
Nantua sauce: fish velouté with tomato soup and crayfish butter.
> view pairingsPizza, Quiche, Tart and Pie
Squab pie with Armagnac
Armagnac sauce: cooking juice with Armagnac flambeed, creamed and reduced until thickened.
> view pairingsSheep and Goats
Saddle of lamb with thyme
Saddle : unseparated loin (from rib to leg) from both sides of the animal.
> view pairingsSea fish
Sole fillets with red wine sauce
Red wine sauce : sauce of veal stock and red wine mixed with butter, shallots, bay leaf, pepper and thyme.
> view pairingsConsommé and Soup
Lobster gazpacho
Gaspacho : soup made of raw vegetables and served cold.
> view pairingsCold starters
Black radish and herb butter
Herb butter : softened butter mixed with chopped herbs (chives, parsley and tarragon), pepper and salt.
> view pairingsDesserts
Fruit zabaione
Zabaione: egg yolk beaten with a liquid, alcoholic or not, to get a froth hot or warm and fragrant.
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