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Meal families
Brown sauce
Reduced sauce made from brown stock and tomato paste or a brown roux with butter, onion and flavored bacon with a bouquet garni.
> view pairingsGame birds
Young partridge in chartreuse of vegetables
Young Partridge : under 8 months old.
Chartreuse : dish cooked in a water bath consisting of cabbage (or other vegetables) braised arranged alternately layered with a meat to alternate colors.
Should be unmolded and served hot.
Mushrooms, Vegetables, Pasta and Rice
Stuffed mushrooms with taramasalata
Taramasalata : specialty based on salted and cured roe (cod or mullet) added with olive oil and fresh cream and lemon.
In France, generally served with blinis.
Consommé and Soup
France. Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Charente. Vendée.
Fish soup that can be served with potatoes or slices of bread.
Sea fish
Bacalao al pil pil
Basque Country.
Dish with salt cod, garlic, olive oil and chili pepper (pil pil).
Game animals
Hare pâté with mushroom
Paté made with coarsely chopped ingredients like pork and flavored with herbs, spices... cooked in a terracotta container.
Serve cold or at room temperature.
Sheep and Goats
Rack of lamb with sauce poivrade
Pepper sauce: mirepoix (carrot, onion, celery) with butter, diced bacon, herbs (bay leaf, thyme), white wine, vinegar, with a veal or venison stock and black peppercorns.
> view pairingsPizza, Quiche, Tart and Pie
Mediterranean pizza
Pizza made with eggplant, zucchini, rocket salad, tomato and mozzarella.
> view pairingsSheep and Goats
Leg of lamb whith thyme flowers
Leg of lamb : piece of meat formed the saddle over the thigh.
One thigh is called Chump.
Pineapple zabaione
Zabaione: egg yolk beaten with a liquid, alcoholic or not, to get a froth hot or warm and fragrant.
> view pairingsSea fish
Grilled sea bream a la provencale
Provencal : crushed tomatoes, garlic and parsley cooked in olive oil.
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