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Dark chocolate mirror cake
Miror cake : mousse set on a sponge base topped with a glaze.
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Grilled cheese
Grilled slices of cheese between slices of bread, with butter.
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Grilled pig’s trotter with béarnaise sauce
Bearnaise sauce : hot sauce with clarified butter and reduction of shalots with vinegar and tarragon emulsified in egg yolks.
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Greece. Turkey.
Mezzé made from yogurt (sheep's or goat's yogurt) mixed with cucumber, garlic, salt, olive oil, sometimes lemon juice and dill, fennel, mint and parsley.
Often served with pita bread and olives.
Always served cold.
Freshwater fish
Truit with almonds and meuniere sauce
Meunière sauce : liquid from the cooking with butter, chopped parsley and lemon.
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