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Meal families
Mushrooms, Vegetables, Pasta and Rice
Red mullet risotto
Risotto : reduction of a broth cooked with rice and one or more ingredients.
> view pairingsSea fish
Sole with beurre blanc sauce
Beurre blanc sauce : reduction of shallots with white wine and vinegar blended with a whipped butter.
> view pairingsDesserts
Chocolate soufflé with vanilla custard
Custard : mixture of milk or cream, egg yolks and sugar flavored with vanilla.
> view pairingsSea fish
Sea bass with hollandaise sauce
Hollandaise sauce : vinegar reduction with shallots, mixed with egg yolk and melted butter.
> view pairingsMushrooms, Vegetables, Pasta and Rice
Imam bayildi
Braised eggplants stuffed with garlic, onion, tomato in olive oil and simmered in the oven.
Served with rice.
Freshwater fish
Pike-perch in a beurre blanc sauce
Beurre blanc sauce : reduction of shallots with white wine and vinegar blended with a whipped butter.
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Cooked vinegared rice combined with other ingredients : seafood, vegetables and sometimes tropical fruits.
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Champagne style potée
Mixture of pork meat with cabbage and baked potatoes in broth cooked several hours in an earthenware pot.
> view pairingsOffal and tripe
Provencal pieds paquets
France. Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Sisteron. Bouches-du-Rhône. Marseille.
Dish made of feet and paunch sheep stuffed with belly or salt pork simmered in a white wine sauce and tomato.