Shellfish and Seafood
Scallop carpaccio with lemon sauce
Carpaccio : very thin slices with a dash of lemon and olive oil.
Lemon sauce: lemon, olive oil.
Shellfish and Seafood
Carpaccio : very thin slices with a dash of lemon and olive oil.
Lemon sauce: lemon, olive oil.
United Kingdom (Cheddar, Somerset).
Cow's milk cheese with pale yellow colour and strong flavour.
Available in soft, medium, hard and extra hard.
Sheep and Goats
Lamb under 11 weeks and between 11 and 15 kilos.
> view pairingsSauces
Oil emulsion with egg yolk, mustard and pepper. Sometimes with a dash of lemon juice or vinegar.
> view pairingsSalads
Raw vegetable salad with anchovy filets or tuna, boiled eggs and olive oil.
> view pairingsFreshwater fish
Beurre blanc sauce : reduction of shallots with white wine and vinegar blended with a whipped butter.
> view pairingsPoultry
Orange sauce : orange juice with white wine (or poultry or veal stock) reduced.
> view pairingsShellfish and Seafood
France. Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Poitou-Charentes. Charentes-Maritimes.
Dish with bouchot mussels and garlic, bouquet garni, Charentes butter, cream, shallots, egg yolks and Pineau des Charentes (or dry white wine of Charentes or Cognac).